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Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies and similar technologies (such as beacons and pixels).

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device and contain a uniquely generated reference which is used to distinguish you from other people each time your visit our website, even if the IP address of the device used by you to visit our website changes. None of the cookies used on our website store data that can directly identify you.

You can read more information cookies and how they work at All About and information about how online advertising works at Your Online Choices (these are third party websites that do not control).

The cookies used by our website fall into the following categories:

  • Strictly necessary cookies: these are required for the effective and secure use of our website to include enabling you to send messages to us securely, log into secure areas of our website and to make payments securely:

  • Analytical cookies: these are used to recognise when you visit our website and how you interact with it so that we can improve the way our website works

  • Functionality cookies: these are used to recognise when you visit our website so that we can personalise our content for you and remember your preferences


We are required to obtain your consent to all cookies except those that are strictly necessary. You will be asked to confirm your consent when you first visit our website and you can change your cookie settings for our website at any time.

Alternatively, you can clear cookies after you visit our website, use a tracking blocker such as Privacy Badger or, for the analytical cookies stored by Google, install the Google Analytics opt-out extension.

The specific cookies used by our website are as follows and are First-Party Cookies:

3rd Party Cookies

If you block or restrict cookies, you may not be able to use certain features of our website.

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